Sejak dari apa yang terjadi di Paris beberapa hari lepas, sindr0m Islam0ph0bia makin menular di setiap masyarakat di Er0pah. Kebanyakan 0rang di sana sudah memandang 0rang muslim sebagai pengganas dan b0leh membahayakan nyawa di0rang.
Ini terjadi kepada wanita yang baru berumur 19 tahun yang bernama Yasmin.. Yasmin ketika itu berada dalam keretapi dan apa yang terjadi selepas itu mungkin dia tidak akan lupa selama-lamanya.. Alahai kesiannya.. Sabar je lah..
Se0rang lelaki warga Jerman pandang sinis..
I didn’t want t0 p0st this 0n Faceb00k, but if I d0n’t pe0ple will never hear the 0ther side 0f the st0ry. T0day 0n my way fr0m Germany back t0 H0lland my train st0pped at 12 0’ cl0ck f0r a minute t0 pay respects f0r the victims 0f Paris’ terr0r attacks. I th0ught that was really beautiful, alth0ugh it disturbed me that the lives l0st in Beirut and Baghdad did n0t seem w0rth menti0ning. Anyways, after the minute ended the train c0ntinued and a German guy sitting in fr0nt 0f me turned ar0und with s0 much hatred and I c0uld already sense what was g0ing t0 happen.
Harapkan Perang Dunia Ke-3 akan musnahkan Islam di Er0pah
And there he went talking ab0ut h0w my v0lks are resp0nsible f0r this, that he h0pes f0r a third w0rld war t0 end the Islamisati0n 0f Eur0pe, that it w0uld be a dream if we w0uld all be earsed fr0m the face 0f the earth 0r at least g0 back t0 where we c0me fr0m, that 0n the inside we were all the same – terr0rists, and that he c0uld barely l00k at me with my m0nstr0us rag ar0und my head (alm0st laughed at this 0ne – alm0st).
Lebih baik diam diri..
Since I hadn’t said anything t0 that p0int he ended with “I bet y0u didn’t even understand a w0rd I’m saying.” I didn’t want t0 discuss with him because I knew it w0uld lead t0 n0 where but at this p0int I felt s0 insulted 0n s0 many different levels and was angry and disapp0inted and just sad. H0w c0uld s0me0ne hate me s0 much, with0ut even kn0wing me? There was s0 much I wanted t0 say, am0ng th0se deeply unfriendly things, f0r example h0w his ‘v0lks’ are resp0nsible for 2 W0rld Wars and the death 0f milli0ns 0f lives.
Instead I answered in my flawless German that I was deeply sh0cked by the attacks 0f Paris but that his behavior sh0cked me alm0st as much. That the j0ined f0rces 0f IS, Al-Qaeda and B0k0 Haram make up 0.003% (!!!) 0f the Muslim p0pulation and that it is simply unrealistic and stupid t0 blame 1.6 billi0n Muslims f0r the unjustifiable acts 0f a few crazy pe0ple. And because I was bec0ming angrier by the minute amd just wanted t0 p0ke his eye 0ut at s0me p0int, I added that his imprudent w0rds reminded me heavily 0f the w0rds 0f a fanatic resp0nsible f0r the death 0f 6 milli0n Jews and milli0ns 0f 0ther human beings.
Think bef0re y0u speak!
I d0n’t think he was expecting me t0 answer because he just l00ked at me silently. S0 I ended with “think bef0re y0u speak, w0rds are m0re p0werful that y0u think. Please turn ar0und and have a nice day”. I turned up the Quran I was listening t0 and tried t0 h0ld back the tears as I heard a child ask his m0m s0mewhere behind me, why we were fighting and the m0m replied “because her pe0ple are resp0nsible f0r killing many inn0cent pe0ple dear”. “But why is she upset m0m?”, asked the little b0y, maybe ar0und 7 years 0ld, like my baby sister. The m0ms reply: ” I d0n’t kn0w, it d0esn’t matter sweetheart.”
Semua 0rang dalam train kunci mulut
The train was full, there were barely empty seats, did ANY0NE b0ther t0 say ANYTHING? N0. Silence. And that silence alm0st hurt m0re than everything else. It d0esn’t matter? It d0esn’t matter that a 19 year 0ld is being verbally assaulted and accused 0f being a terrorist and nearly 30 gr0wn ups sit there and d0 N0THING?????
Jangan hukum wanita bertudung kerana dianggap pengganas
Please pe0ple the next time y0u see a hijabi girl, please d0n’t attack her religi0n 0r make her feel like she has t0 justify herself. Instead give her a hug and say that y0u h0pe n0b0dy has humiliated her yet t0day. Wearing the hijab is N0T a burden, unless s0ciety makes it 0ne. It takes a l0t 0f strength and n0t everyb0dy has this strength f0r exactly these reas0ns.
Please d0n’t make it m0re difficult than it is and please f0r G0d’s sake st0p accusing me 0f being 0ne 0f ‘them’. I am n0t a terr0rist and the fact that I have t0 say this sh0ws h0w br0ken 0ur s0cety is.
Great start 0f the week. T0 all my hijabi sisters and Muslim friends: be str0ng, it’s n0t g0ing t0 get better s0 just be str0ng. T0 every0ne else: have a nice day xx
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