Beberapa hari lepas satu dunia dikejutkan dengan tragedi berdarah yang berlaku di Paris, Perancis. Kejadian ini dapat liputan satu dunia dan kebanyakan media mengatakan kes ini terjadi 0leh kerana perbuatan pengeb0m berani mati dari pengganas ISIS.
Bayangkan anda tengah teng0k k0nsert bersama 0rang tersayang dan secara tiba-tiba ada sekumpulan pengganas masuk dan bunuh se0rang demi se0rang. Ya Allah.. hanya Tuhan saja yang tahu bagaimana perasaan takutnya macam mana.
J0m kita ikuti kisah yang perlu dilalui 0leh salah seorang mangsa yang terselamat dari tragedi yang menyedihkan ni. Seram gila bila baca balik apa yang diceritakan 0leh individu ni.
Satu malam yang indah dan tenang hingga lah..
You never think it will happen t0 y0u. It was just a friday night at a r0ck sh0w. the atm0sphere was s0 happy and every0ne was dancing and smiling. and then when the men came thr0ugh the fr0nt entrance and began the sh00ting, we naiively believed it was all part 0f the sh0w. It wasn’t just a terr0rist attack, it was a massacre. D0zens of pe0ple were sh0t right infr0nt 0f me. P00ls of bl00d filled the fl00r. Cries of gr0wn men wh0 held their girlfriends dead b0dies pierced the small music venue. Futures dem0lished, families heartbr0ken. in an instant.
Berpura-pura mati lebih kurang satu jam
Sh0cked and al0ne, I pretended t0 be dead f0r 0ver an h0ur, lying am0ng pe0ple wh0 c0uld see their l0ved 0nes m0tionless.. H0lding my breath, trying t0 n0t m0ve, n0t cry – n0t giving th0se men the fear they l0nged t0 see. I was incredibly lucky t0 survive. But s0 many didn’t. The pe0ple wh0 had been there f0r the exact same reas0ns as I – t0 have a fun friday night were inn0cent. This w0rld is cruel. And acts like this are supp0se t0 highlight the depravity 0f humans and the images 0f th0se men circuling us like vultures will haunt me f0r the rest 0f my life.
Satu tragedi yang sangat buruk..
The way they metic0ulsy aimed at sh0t pe0ple ar0und the standing area i was in the centre 0f with0ut any c0nsideration f0r human life. It didn’t feel real. i expected any m0ment f0r s0me0ne t0 say it was just a nightmare. But being a surviv0r 0f this h0rr0r lets me able t0 shed light 0n the her0es. T0 the man wh0 reassured me and put his life 0n line t0 try and c0ver my brain whilst i whimpered, t0 the c0uple wh0se last w0rds 0f l0ve kept me believing the g00d in the w0rld, t0 the p0lice wh0 succeded in rescuing hundreds 0f pe0ple, t0 the c0mplete strangers wh0 picked me up fr0m the r0ad and c0ns0led me during the 45 minutes
Bersyukur kerana masih ada manusia yang berhati perut..
I truly believed the b0y i l0ved was dead, t0 the injured man wh0 i had mistaken f0r him and then 0n my rec0gniti0n that he was n0t Amaury, held me and t0ld me everything was g0ing t0 be fine despite being all al0ne and scared himself, t0 the w0man wh0 0pened her d00rs t0 the surviv0rs, t0 the friend wh0 0ffered me shelter and went 0ut t0 buy new cl0thes s0 i w0uldnt have t0 wear this bl00d stained t0p, t0 all 0f y0u wh0 have sent caring messages 0f supp0rt – y0u make me believe this w0rld has the p0tential t0 be better. t0 never let this happen again.
Syukur kerana masih bernafas..
but m0st 0f this is t0 the 80 pe0ple wh0 were murdered inside that venue, wh0 weren’t as lucky, wh0 didnt get t0 wake up t0day and t0 all the pain that their friends and families are g0ing through. I am s0 s0rry. There’s n0thing that will fix the pain. I feel priviledged t0 be there f0r their last breaths. And truly beliving that I w0uld j0in them, I pr0mise that their last th0ughts were n0t 0n the animals wh0 caused all this. It was thinking 0f the pe0ple they l0ved.
‘Keep believing in the g00d pe0ple’
As i lay d0wn in the bl00d 0f strangers and waiting f0r my bullet t0 end my mere 22 years, I envisi0ned every face that I have ever l0ved and whispered I l0ve y0u. 0ver and 0ver again. reflecting 0n the highlights 0f my life. Wishing that th0se i l0ve knew just h0w much, wishing that they knew that n0 matter what happened t0 me, t0 keep believing in the g00d in pe0ple. t0 n0t let th0se men win.
Damai lah anda disana..
Last night, the lives 0f many were f0rever changed and it is up t0 us t0 be better pe0ple. t0 live lives that the inn0cent victims 0f this tragedy dreamt ab0ut but sadly will n0w never be able t0 fulfil. RIP angels. Y0u will never be f0rg0tten.
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